Friday, October 25, 2013

New Shoes + Updates

There have been a few improvements that has been done to my car. My Jetta got new shoes! That is right. I saw a post on Craigslist about someone needing to traded wheels because he and his fiancé is expecting a baby, and they need wheels like mine to be painted pink for their baby girl. Anyways, it was really nice of them to drive two hours down to Christiansburg, and to meet me. The Dad has been a mechanic all his life. What is really cool about it is that he drives the same car as mine. A 2001 Volkswagen Jetta, except his was a turbo version. We traded wheels on a parking lot, one wheel after another. Since he drives the same car and knows a lot about it, he taught me about how to cool a Jetta engine down when it is overheating and other pro tips about the Jetta, turns out that almost every Jetta has a bumper problem; where the front bumper falls off. It was really nice of them to trade me an $800 set of wheels for a stock factory rims.
                There are more work that is needed to be done to the car. Tomorrow, I will bring the car to the shop for an oil change, leak fix, wheel balancing, and wheel alignment. I would’ve done some of it with the help of the Car Club such as oil change but I just don’t have the time with all this work that I have for school. Priorities. Currently, there are parts that are being shipped for the car. I have ordered a performance muffler, and bright white xenon headlights. I am very excited about this purchase and I will definitely be posting more about my car! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another car post

 About a week ago, I made a purchase. A car. Yes, a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta GLS
Top Left: The car posing. Top Right: Leaks.
Bottom: Headlights after toothpaste!
V6 Engine. I got what I paid for, but that is alright. There is a lot of work needed to be done to the car, from exterior work, to interior, and down to the engine. Instead of being scared and upset by it, I am excited that I got a "project" car.  A car where I can do whatever I want to it. Let it speak for me, and represent my creativity. I have a lot of ideas that I want to do to this car however, before I get started with all of these decorations and whatnot, I have the engine to worry about. The car is 12 years old, and has ran about 124,000 miles; which is not bad for a 12 year old car, considering it has traveled approximately 12,000 miles per year. Anyways, there are leaks around the oil valves which connects it to the intake manifold (where the car gets oil), which is then connected to the engine. I tried fixing it up a bit but I don't have the tools and time to do it, thus bringing it to a mechanic is the best approach. The car runs, I can tell you that. But I would just prefer to be on the safe side if anything.

So far, I have done some fixations on the car. I was able to fix the broken hood latch in the back by attaching a string of nylon that can be pulled to release the lock whenever it needs to be opened. Also, I have installed the temporary license plate on the bottom left corner of the car for style. I also wired an LED bar light on the interior to made it look better. The coolest adjustment I did for this car was taking the yellowing of the headlight out with toothpaste. Overtime, the plastic on the headlight oxides from the head and the humidity of the air. So scrubbing it with toothpaste is a great idea to leave your headlights shiny; it also leaves it minty fresh!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Human Race

                In this blog post, I would refrain from talking about cars. I found something very cool today.Enjoy!

                As I was walking to class earlier, I realized something. Time. Time is always keeping us back, or rushing us. Leaving home around 7:30 this morning, my only hope was to make it to my 8:00 am class. I got here at campus around 7:50 and I ran from the parking lot to McBryde. Made it. During that walk, I realized that time is very crucial. Everyone seems to be rushing, trying to make it before this deadline. This essay for example, I am going to be honest, I am procrastinating, trying to beat the time, while also trying to plan when I leave to get to my Chemistry lab at 10:00. Its currently 9:35, and I need to rush. To be continued. Luckily, Sam lend me his bike and I was fortunate enough to make it on class, 15 minutes before the class even starts. . Throughout that ride, I had one enemy. It wasn’t the pedestrians, nor the cars. It was time, even though I knew I would make it early, I still wanted to make sure that I make it. You know, rather be safe than sorry?  After this stage of the day, it is time to start all over again, for my engineering workshop this time, then going home, and again and again. Anyways, what I am trying to say is that time makes up almost everything. Time is the source of all-nighters, fights, sadness and happiness, you name it. Time is everywhere, think about it.

                Everyone seems to rush to make it before the deadline, running around to be on the safe side. I guess this explains why they call it the human race.